19th September 2024 | Patient Participation Group, Patient Participation Group Minutes
1. Welcome, Apologies and Matters Arising. Present: Pat Banks, Veronica Brinton, Mimi Colahan, Tony Gardner-Medwin, Danya Glaser, Isky Gordon, Kathy Graham-Harrison, Nori Graham, Patricia Langton, Eddie Malfiggiami, Jane Mays, Ruthine Newton, Tamar Posner, Judy Sands,...
13th June 2024 | Patient Participation Group, Patient Participation Group Minutes
1. Welcome, Apologies and Matters Arising Patients: Isky Gordon, Manor Wong, Mimi Colahan, Nancy Hogg, Pat Banks, Tamar Posner, Patricia Langton, Veronica Brinton, Ruthina Newton, Camilla Palmer, Gill Scott, Nancy Pistrang, Kathy Graham Harrison, Kirsten de Keyser,...
28th April 2024 | PPG Annual Report
Gill Walt, Chair It is ten years since this PPG was formed, according to the terms of reference drawn up in early 2014, when the chair and vice-chair agreed to take on the roles. Reports on the activities of the PPG have been produced since that time and are available...
25th April 2024 | Patient Participation Group, Patient Participation Group Minutes
1. Welcome and apologies PPG members sent warm congratulations to Sarah Worboys, link GP, on the birth of her daughter, Lily. Patients: Isky Gordon, Veronica Brinton, Maria Constantinidou, Tamar Posner, Nancy Hogg, Gill Walt, Gudrun Sveinbjarnardottir, Gill Scott,...
29th February 2024 | Patient Participation Group, Patient Participation Group Minutes
1. WELCOME, APOLOGIES and MATTERS ARISING PRESENT: Patients: Isky Gordon, Kathy Graham Harrison, Robert Graham Harrison, Veronica Brinton, Tamar Posner, Nancy Hogg, Danya Glaser, Judy Sands, Mimi Colahan, Gill Walt, Patricia Langton, Amanda Williams, Andrea Dahlberg....
30th November 2023 | Patient Participation Group, Patient Participation Group Minutes
WELCOME, APOLOGIES and MATTERS ARISING PRESENT: Patients: Pat Banks, Jonny Bucknell, Andrea Dahlerg, Tony Gardner-Medwin, Danya Glaser, Isky Gordon, Kathy Graham-Harrison, Patricia Langton, Jane Mays, Tamar Posner, Gill Walt, Manor Wong; Practice: Farha Uddin, Sarah...