Patients: Isky Gordon, Kathy Graham Harrison, Robert Graham Harrison, Veronica Brinton, Tamar Posner, Nancy Hogg, Danya Glaser, Judy Sands, Mimi Colahan, Gill Walt, Patricia Langton, Amanda Williams, Andrea Dahlberg.
Practice: Philip Posner, Stephen Yaxley, Maddie Rose (Creative Health Camden)

Patients: Maria Constantinidou, Manor Wong, Brian Harding, Nori Graham, Pat Banks, Gill Scott
Staff: Sarah Warboys. Pal Bhambra


  • Gill thanked Sarah, in her absence, for her enthusiastic input and support for the PPG, and wished her luck for her maternity leave. Sarah intends to be here, with the new baby, at the July PPG meeting in the garden. Gill welcomed the fact that Steve Yaxley would be continuing to be a link GP.
  • Maddie Rose from Creative Health Camden discussed the foodbank they run on Wednesdays. They deal with 35 people every week, and their food delivery on Mondays is dealt with by 3 members of CHC. They need more people to help on Mondays between 13.30 and 15.30, but volunteers need to be able
    to lift heavy objects.


Nori Graham nominated Gill and Mimi to continue, Nancy Hogg nominated Danya Glaser as chair. After joint discussions it was decided that for the moment Mimi and Gill will continue until such time as another person comes forward, or is put forward, to work with Danya.


A meeting was held in January to see whether patients who are currently carers of people with dementia were interested in developing a support group. At the meeting it was recognized that there are already a number of supports for carers (eg through Camden Carers). However, if any JW/QC carers of dementia patients want to start a support group, the PPG is happy to facilitate the development of such a group. It was agreed that identifying patients who are carers is up to Practice staff, and the current data coding system does not allow for this easily. At this stage, patients who are carers of people with dementia who want to talk to others, can contact a PPG member, and the PPG will try to find ways of facilitating any groups which do develop.

It was also decided to continue training sessions offered by a PPG member for reception staff on raising awareness about dementia. These have been successfully run in the past, and a couple are planned over the next few months.


The PPG has raised the issue of poor signage in the Kentish Town Health Centre (KTHC) over many years. At a meeting on 22nd February, the PPG presented the findings of Gill Scott, a PPG member, to Gary Gibson, Portfolio Manager and Lorna Johnson, Buildings Manager, of Community Health Partnerships Ltd, the company
that runs KTHC.

Gill Scott, a graphic designer, presented an illustrated report on the current situation, which identified clearly what the problems are and what should be changed. She emphasized that although KTHC is much admired architecturally, and has won prizes, it is a nightmare for patients to negotiate. Not only is there no external identification, but signage inside is poor and confusing. The PPG volunteers in reception have noted how many patients and visitors arrive at KTHC feeling frustrated and stressed because of the poor signage.

The presentation emphasized that there has never been a Wayfinding strategy for KTHC and that this is imperative in order to enhance both patient and staff experience.

Gary Gibson thanked Gill Scott for all her work, welcomed the report, and promised feedback by June.

Gill Scott’s presentation and report is available here.


  • The check-in kiosks are working again, but contain unnecessary and confusing messages in incorrect English. It has been recognised by NCL ICB that the software needs replacing.
  • The messages on the overhead screens are not displayed for long enough to read, and the lettering is too small.
  • There are concerns regarding the foodbank which is held on Wednesday mornings. People are arriving over an hour before it opens, and numbers have increased substantially. Currently only 35 people can be assisted. Those who are not able to get a ticket, are shown a list of other local food banks.


NCL ICB has proposed that the Royal Free Hospital dialysis unit is moved from St Pancras Hospital to the Peckwater Centre, displacing many of the current community services. The neighbouring Caversham GP Practice is running a campaign to object to the loss of the Peckwater Centre as a local primary care resource. Many of the services at the Peckwater Centre are used by JW patients. The PPG felt strongly that the loss of a primary care centre was against the interests of the local community, and that a hospital service should not be taking over scarce and under-resourced primary care facilities. It was agreed that the chair  would write to the Caversham PPG offering support in their campaign against the proposal.


It was suggested, and welcomed, that the PPG produce a newsletter for patients of JW/QC. The practice has offered to help in its production. The proposal is that it should be biannual to start with, and be a vehicle for advertising support groups, changes in the NHS or practice policy affecting patients, include interviews with different staff and volunteers, among other things. The aim would be to have paper copies available in Reception, and on-line. Tamar and Kathy volunteered to become involved.


  • The Practice considers Econsult to be a successful way of triaging patients. It is used by many patients, instead of calling on the phone, However, it is still possible to book appointments by telephone or in person. Nevertheless there is still dissatisfaction re the appointment system: the callback system does not always work if patients miss a call, receptionists sometimes give contradictory information, eg that it is mandatory to use Econsult.
  • Philip Posner will be retiring from the Practice at the end of April. He was warmly thanked for his past support for the PPG. Two new GPs have been recruited, Charlotte Cumby and Sarah Lee, and will both be in post from 1st April.

9. AOB:

  • Several patients expressed an interest in having a session on the NHS App, how to use it, and when it is useful. It was agreed to try to put this on a future agenda.

Date of next meeting: 25 April 2-3.30 pm

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