How to get your test results
Test results for Blood tests, Stool and Urine samples that have been requested by the surgery (i.e. you have been given a form by one of our staff) usually take on average 10 working days to come back from the hospital unless your doctor has advised otherwise. Please note that X-ray results take a little longer.
It is very important that patients are proactive in checking their test results and take responsibility for checking on their test results. Unfortunately, the hospital and laboratories sometimes fail to send your test results to the GP. Please register for the NHS App where you can review you test results. Please see below for the time frames you can expect to see different types of results appear on your NHS App. If you are unable to use the NHS App or you cannot see your results on it then please contact the practice by phone, on-line or in person at the reception desk to check your results have been received and if they are normal or if they require any further appointment with a clinician.
Most Test results including Urine and Blood Tests requested by us are available via the NHS App. We encourage all patients to register and have online access to their records 24 hours a day 7 days a week. For more information about the NHS App, see here.
Sometimes, we cannot always give full results over the phone. If the result is complicated, or if the doctor wants to see you about the result, we will offer you an appointment. We will only give results to the person who has had the test. For your test results please contact us.
Results for:
- x-rays are usually available after 5-7 days. We advise you leave a week before calling reception.
- MRI scans, Ultrasound results, ECGs, Echocardiogram or other investigations requested by the surgery take 1-2 weeks to arrive after you have had the investigation done.
If results are normal or if they require no further action they will be marked as such by a clinician and this will be visible to you on the NHS App (or if you cannot access the NHS app our reception team can read you the comments left by the clinician).
If you want to find our results of scans and tests requested by the hospital doctors e.g. arranged in a hospital outpatient clinic appointment or by A&E please contact the hospital department or specialist directly. It is the hospital’s responsibility and duty to share these results with you, not the GP. Please contact the hospital clinic or department directly (the contact details should be at the top of a recent clinic letter you have received) or contact the hospital Patient Advice and Liaison service:
- for UCLH it is 0203 447 3042 [email protected],
- for the Royal Free its [email protected] 020 7472 6446 or 020 7830 2577,
- for the Whittington its [email protected] 020 7288 5551