Siobhan Moriarty (SM) Charlotte Rose (CR) Jill Fraser (JF) Patricia Langton (PL) Victor Kewal (VK)

Minutes from previous meeting

  • Patient Access launch day- Action met
  • PPG members confirmation to remain as part of group – Action met
  • Patient observation day-Action point- CR to email PPG of date once confirmed
  • CCTV installation and security posters in reception/ relocation of posters- Action met
  • Non- urgent/ general enquires to have a specific time for patients to call-Action point- SM and CR to introduce
  • Promotion of JWP services- Action met
  • Complaints policy in more languages- Action met
  • Notice board- Awaiting pricing details

SM started the meeting by handing out the terms of reference to PPG members. Explained that the PPG was not for personal/individual issues and that these should be addressed with SM privately.

VK wanted to know the responsibilities are for PPG members.

SM stated that it is to help promote the practice and to feedback ideas and opinions.

VK discussed appointing another member of the PPG as chair person. JF kindly agreed.

Action- to check any conflict of interest and confirm with JF 

PL discussed the newsletter, SM confirmed there will be 4 a year. The summer newsletter will have an introduction of the doctors in the practice.

PL asked if the newsletter was provided in different languages, SM confirmed that the interpreters we have based in the practice translate to the patients what information in the newsletter.

Meetings PPG have attended

PL shared that she had attend the PPG meeting at the James Wigg Practice, in that meeting the group discussed recruitment and what a PGG is/isn’t.

PL also attended CPPEG (Camden Patient and Public Engagement Group) meeting and AIS (Accessible Information Standard)

Patient Access Day

SM passed on information about the success of the Patient Access day, the practice signed up 42 patients and we have increased the percentage from 1% to 7.1%.

VK relayed details from this day after speaking to patients in the waiting area and found that some patients are not asked if they want to sign up and that there is fear of using the service online

It was discussed how we will continue to promote this and SM mentioned another day will run alongside the flu clinic.

We will also promote recruitment for the PPG on this day.

Action point-  Create a PPG flyer

  • Add a PPG page into registration pack in colour to replace current
  • Introduce a comments and suggestions box
  • Have a virtual PPG for those who can’t attend

NHS 70

As a practice will look at celebrating the 70 years of NHS- we will also use this in the summer festival taking place in Queens Crescent.

Action point – CR to look at promotional materials


SM informed the PPG that there have been no recent incidents or complaints in the practice. We have recently authorised another CCTV camera to be installed, facing the reception desk.

Queens Crescent festival

A summer festival is being held in Queens Crescent on Saturday 21st July. SM and CR will be there manning the stall, there will also be 3 doctors, Dr Jonathan Levy, Dr Phil Posner and Dr Dilini Kalupahana.

There will also be acts, other stalls, Roundhouse and St Pancras Boxing.

PPG members have been invited along to attend this day to help with promotion and recruitment of the PPG.

Practice Updates

During the summer we will have a number of doctors in the practice.

  • Dr Laura Duffy went on maternity leave on 28th June.  We are in the process of recruiting cover for this period.
  • Dr Dilini Kalupahana has returned to do sessions at the James Wigg Practice.
  • Dr Phil Posner will be the partner at Queens Crescent until September.
  • Dr Natasha Smeaton will be joining the practice in September; she will be present in our PPG meetings and we will look at ways of recruitment.
  • Dr Kavitha Gowribalan will be back in practice from October, which will mean 2 GP Partners will be based at QC from this time.

During these months no sessions are being lost as JWP doctors will be covering clinics.

We are also recruiting a new afternoon receptionist; adverts are currently on NHS jobs.

Next Meeting

Date and time TBC.

Agenda: Four Trees merge

Flu campaign- promote outside the practice. PPG to help if they can.

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